
Guild Wars Chapter 4

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Vytalas was rather relaxed on his perch on the roof of Radiant Raiment. It had a perfect vantage point of the Winking Skeever, where soon enough his target would emerge, drunk and oblivious to the danger he was in.

The Dunmer tapped his knee impatiently with an arrow as his red eyes remained focused on the inn's doors. Guards patrolled down the road every once in a while, but it was spread out enough that the Dunmer felt secure in his decision to end his prey's life in front of the Winking Skeever.

His instructions were to make it obvious that it was a hit; a warning to those to not ever try and worm their way out of paying their debts.  This could easily be accomplished with one strike of his arrows. The Dark Elf decided to use a Dwarven arrow since he had just recently purchased ebony ones from the Solitude Fletcher, best to not leave anything that might trace him back to the kill.  

Pulling his eyes away from the Winking Skeever for just a moment, the Dunmer glanced over towards the Blue Palace. At this very moment, Kaie was skulking her way through the castle, preparing to end the life of some nameless servant.  Vytalas tried to convince himself that most of the security was going to be focused on the jarl and the Breton was unlikely to be caught. Still though, he worried for her safety. She may have been a skilled and deadly assassin, but her playful nature always seemed to make Vytalas think otherwise.

The two were supposed to meet on the Solitude docks once they had completed their assignments. Kaie was always a master of remaining unseen, so the Dark Elf had no way of knowing if his lover was already down there waiting for him or not. All he knew was the sooner they left Solitude, the sooner that would get some answers from their leader.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm leaving!" a gruff voice snarled from below. The archer's eyes returned to the Winking Skeever, and he was pleased to see that his target had been unceremoniously ejected from the inn.  Sucking in a deep breath, he positioned the Dwarven arrow in his bow and then slowly began to aim at the drunkard Nord. He targeted for the very back of the man's head, it would be an instant death and there would be no doubt that this was an intentional hit.

Vytalas squeezed one eye shut and licked at his lips as he waited for the right moment to release. His breathing evened and time seemed to stand still.  After his hours of training with the spirit of Lachance, the Dunmer had been taught to never rush; to enjoy the hunt; to make sure that if one was going to use a bow, that the target went down in one hit. He released the arrow and heard a reassuring grunt, followed by a thud. Yet another soul had been sent to the Void in the name of Sithis and the Night Mother.

The Dark Elf stood up on the roof and sheathed the ebony bow on his back, his work done. All he had to do now was go to the docks and meet with his lovely Breton.  As he started to leave, the Dunmer picked up the sounds of shuffling feet. Turning on his heels, the assassin was surprised to see another archer speeding towards him, racing across the roofs as though they were not even there. The strange person paused before him for just a moment and they locked eyes.

It was a female Dunmer, that much he could tell by the color of her skin and eyes. A dark red cowl hid the bottom half of the woman's face. The cloak she wore seemed to resemble his, but the female's was reddish in color while his was black.  Vytalas could only stare, unsure what to do. Had this elf seen him kill the Nord? Did he need to tie up loose ends?

"Sorry sweetie," she said suddenly as she ran a hand along his cheek lovingly. "I'd run if I were you."

With that, she took off once more and seemed to vanish up into the guard towers.

"Run?" the Brotherhood member muttered under his breath.

The sounds that followed alerted the archer that his fellow Dunmer's warning was not false. He could hear the Imperial guards in the distance screaming furiously; it was only a matter of time before they made their way to the gates of Solitude.

Something had gone wrong! The soldiers were up in arms and sounded dead set on destroying whatever had riled their fury.

"Kaie," he hissed under his breath in realization. The Dark Elf raced across the rooftops towards the sound, praying that the Breton was already at the docks. A high pitched cry of pain, however, made him realize in horror just whom the Imperials were after. "KAIE!"

He leaped from the roof of Bits and Pieces, landing hard onto the stony path below. Sure enough, the Breton raced towards him, her right hand grasping at a shoulder that had a gruesome arrow sticking out of it. She looked both terrified and relieved when she came upon Vytalas.

"Run! Run! They're coming!" she screamed as she gave her lover a slight push forward before heading towards the gates of Solitude. The Dunmer's eyes narrowed in fury as he could hear the roars of the guards getting closer.

"The murderer went this way! Don't let her get away!"

Vytalas bared his teeth in a snarl, but turned on his heels and chased after Kaie. She had been hurt badly and knew that she would not be able to escape the mob on her own. The archer assisted her in pushing open the heavy door and slipping outside, slamming it shut behind them.  It was only then that Kaie began to show evidence of just how much pain she was in.

"By Sithis," she whimpered as she tried to pull the arrow from her shoulder.

"Don't!" Vytalas cried out as he grasped her wrist. "You pull it out without a care and you might not ever recover from the wound!" He gave her a gentle push forward. "You know how to keep hidden; you go ahead to the horses! I'll try and distract them!"


"Keep to the shadows, Kaie! Ride to Dragon Bridge. I'll meet you there!" the Dark Elf insisted as he pointed furiously in the other direction. "GO!"

"Vy, they'll kill you!" the Breton sobbed as she used her good arm to pull herself to him.

"No they won't! I promise you will see me again!" He rested his forehead against hers; he knew that she did not want to leave him behind, however in her condition; she would quickly be taken by Tullius' men.

Seconds mattered, he could hear the Imperial guards getting closer. Stepping away from the woman, the Dunmer pulled out his bow and started to back away so he would have a clear shot once the doors were opened.

The Breton could not hold back her tears as she raced to the shadows and began to sprint to where she and Vytalas' horses were being kept. Kaie's lover had yet to break a promise to her, if he did not keep this one; she swore she would make him suffer for it.

With the Breton rushing to safety, Vytalas could now put all his focus on the enemies that were approaching him.  From his quiver, he pulled out a special ebony arrow that had a small linen bag tied to it. This was an arrow to be used only in the direst of times. He drew the arrow and took aim, waiting for just the right moment.  His heart pounded as each second passed and the shouting got louder.

"Sithis guide me," he whispered quietly as he saw the large door open.  The enraged Imperials had just stepped outside of Solitude when the assassin released the arrow. It flew quickly past the soldiers and into a lit sconce that had been lighting the area.

Men ducked for cover and were thrown back from the force as the area around them seemed to explode and fire erupted all around them.  This was an arrow that had been prepared specifically by Babette; the unchild had told him that if he shot it into an open flame, the wrath of Sithis Himself would come forth from it. The vampire had not lied.

"Imperial bastards!" Vytalas snarled at guards as he took off towards the cliffs that overhung the Karth River. There were still archers, so running was out of the question; the explosion would only give him so much time before he was pursued.

"Up! Get up!" Tullius shoved his way to the front of the legion and glared furiously after the fleeing Dark Brotherhood archer. "Don't you let that assassin escape!" he thundered, drawing his daedric sword from its sheath and charging after the Dunmer.

Vytalas found himself at the edge of the cliff, peering down at the river below. He was unsure if the water was going to be deep enough for him to survive the drop.  Turning around, he saw the General coming right for him, weapon in hand. At this point, he was dead either way, so his fate was now in his deity's hands.  The assassin flung himself from the edge of the overhang just as the Imperial reached him and swung his blade.  The elf managed to get into a diving position and the vanished into the murky water below.

The General's teeth gritted with fury as he scanned the river, desperately seeking out the Brotherhood member.  A tall bearded Imperial made his way over to his leader and looked down at the Karth River.

"What madness drove him to leap down there?" the man muttered with a shake of his head.

"Captain Aldis," the older man growled as he rose to his feet, sheathing his sword, "I gave you orders to have your men patrolling every inch of Solitude, and this is what happens?"

"I'm sorry, General," the man started, "I was sure that we were properly…"

"Rikke is dead now because of your incompetence!" the Imperial screamed into the Captain's face, his eyes bloodshot with rage.

"Do you think we're happy with the loss of Falk Firebeard?" Aldis retorted bitterly. "I thought the Brotherhood might have made an attempt on our jarl's life! I had my priorities!" The Imperial glowered at the furious military leader. "What happened within Castle Dour was out of my hands, General. My guards can only be so many places at once!"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Aldis!" he roared. The General took a few ragged breaths as he tried to force himself to calm down. His eyes once again turned to the Karth River. "By the Eight," Tullius growled, "I will see to it that every last assassin in Skyrim is killed!" He reached forward and grabbed the Captain by the linen portion of his Imperial armor.

"Hear me, Aldis. If one more resident in Solitude falls victim to that cult, it won't only be the Dark Brotherhood's heads that will roll," he uttered in a dark and guttural voice.

"I don't appreciate threats, General," the Captain remarked as he pulled himself from the Imperial's grip.

"And I don't appreciate the fact that I now have to bury one of the finest women I'd had the honor of knowing." Tullius turned to face the remaining soldiers gathered before the gates of Solitude.  "Head down to the river and see what you can find! If the assassin is dead, good riddance! If he's alive…." the older man's lip curled in a snarl, "bring him to me as such."

Vytalas' head finally burst from the river and he gasped in air. The Dark Elf had managed to survive the fall and had swum as far as he could before the need for oxygen got the better of him.  Turning to face the towering cliffs, he was fairly sure that with both the distance and cloak of night aiding him, he could not be seen from the towering cliffs.  The assassin weakly swam over to the shores opposite of Solitude and dragged himself onto land.

The escape exhausted him, but he knew that the Imperial guards would soon be patrolling the edges of the Karth River in search of him; the archer could only rest for so long. A small smile crept up the Dark Elf's face as he stared up at the star filled sky. He had provided more than enough time for Kaie to reach to the horses and get away. Wounded shoulder or not, the Imperials would never be able to catch her once she was on her stallion.   

Vytalas struggled to his feet and glared back at the imposing capital. He had come so close to losing Kaie to the General and his men, this was not something he could take lightly.  There was no time for brooding though, he had no horse, and his lovely Breton would be waiting for him in Dragon Bridge. It was vital that he found Kaie, tended to her injury and they return to the safety of the Dawnstar Sanctuary. If anyone could reason with that damned Tullius, it was the Listener.

The Dunmer growled deeply in his throat as he began to walk backwards, not willing to stop glaring in Solitude's general direction.

"Damn Cyrodiils," Vytalas hissed viciously. "It will take more than that to catch an elf."

The assassin's gloating did not last long as he felt something powerful overtake him. He could just make out the faintest hints of green as his body began to stiffen. No longer in control, the archer collapsed backwards, landing on the soft tall grass surrounding the shores of the Karth, seemingly frozen in place.

When training with Shaleez, he had fallen victim to this particular spell before-- Paralyze.  It was among one of the most dangerous spells that could be cast on an assassin, as it eliminated any hope of escape or defense; it was by all means, a death sentence.

"Yes, those damn Cyrodiils," a scratchy voice chuckled in the distance. "Imperials are rather stupid."  

Vytalas' eyes darted back and forth; no doubt the voice belonged to whoever had cast the spell. For the next minute, all the Brotherhood member would be able to move would be his eyes.  The archer was shocked when a tall Dark Elf suddenly loomed over him, quite smug with himself.  "Another elf, though," he continued, "they know how to keep one properly restrained."

The assassin could sense that this Dunmer was older, much older than he appeared. His garb was similar to the one of the female he had run into Solitude, yet his looked more worn and much fancier.  Dark red and black colors made up this elder's shroud.

"Dinya, please restrain our friend here so he won't try to rip our eyes out once the spell wears off."

Vytalas growled as he felt himself being rolled over onto his stomach and his hands being gently pulled behind his back.

"I told you to run, sweetie," a familiar voice purred in his ear.  "Just had to go back for the Breton though, hmm?"

A growl rumbled in the assassin's throat as the female Dark Elf proceeded to effectively bind his hands together. Even with the spell wearing off, he had no way of striking out against his Dunmer attackers.  Rather than leave him be, the petulant female decided to remain seated on the archer's back.

"Didn't I say he was a handsome one?" the elf said as she pulled back the assassin's hood to run her fingers through his long black hair. The female was sure that this was only angering their captive further, but that only increased her amusement.

"I know you don't have the capability of talking just yet," stated the older elf, "so allow me to take this opportunity to speak to you." The elf took a knee and despite the sympathetic expression on his face, his red eyes were burning with arrogance.  "Please excuse our rough treatment. We hate to treat a fellow Dunmer in such a way, but I needed to make sure that you would hear me out before scampering off to that hidden mouse hole of yours."

A snarl began to form on Vytalas' face, but it was made very slow due to the spell.

"My name is Othrelos," he began softly, "the lovely lady sitting on you is Dinya. We are part of a very ancient and honorable guild known at the Morag Tong. I have been leading this faction for the last hundred years. "

Not able to talk just yet, the assassin decided instead to give his elder a tired and frustrated look.

"Ah, I understand that you might not have heard of us.  Our name does not have the same impact as it once did when I was around your age.  Trust me though, that will change in due time."

"Geh…Efff…Meh," the Brotherhood member managed to grumble out as the paralyze spell began to weaken as he shot the she-elf sitting on him a deadly look.

"What was that dear? You want me to get off?" Dinya snickered before leaning down to nibble on the elf's ear. "Make me." This caused the archer to cringe in disgust and weakly throw his head back in an attempt to inflict some kind of pain on the girl, she easily avoided the attack.

"Dinya, behave yourself," Othrelos sighed with a shake of his head before returning his gaze to the archer. "Before the Dark Brotherhood existed, there was the Morag Tong. We were based in Morrowind and played a part in many a ruler's execution." A wicked grin crept up the Dunmer's face.

"You think Emperor Mede was an amazing feat? We have ended the lives of countless rulers and royalty. Unlike your Brotherhood's sloppy slaying, ours was quite legitimate. See, we had the power to enforce executions, so everything was legal. None of this pathetic hiding in the shadows nonsense."

"Get to the point," Vytalas hissed out bitterly.

"Ah, you got your voice back," remarked the Dunmer.  "I understand that this is quite a demeaning position you are in. We will make up for it, if you decide to accept our generous offer. I suppose I should just be blunt with you. Those soldiers will be coming down here soon to look for you, and that wouldn't be good for either of us."  Othrelos expression darkened.

"What I am telling you, young Mer, is that we are bringing the age of the Dark Brotherhood to an end. No more illegal throat slitting and murdering for anyone who has a bit of spare coin to spend. The Morag Tong is taking back its rightful place as the true assassin's guild in Tamriel and that means getting rid of the followers of Sithis. As you can see, we are well on our way making all the factions eager to spill your blood."

A realization hit Vytalas that it was not the increase in guards or a botched job that caused the mob to go after him and Kaie. The archer's red eyes burned with fury as he stared up at the Morag Tong leader.  "You were the ones who caused the Imperials to attack us."

"We could have worked unseen, but then how could the Brotherhood be blamed for those deaths?" the Dark Elf explained with a shrug. "We did want you alive, however. Call it a weak sense of patriotism, but I'd hate to see a talented Dunmer such as you get eliminated with the rest of those criminals."  

"They are not criminals; they are my brothers and sisters," Vytalas answered in a threatening tone. "This attempt to rid yourself of the Dark Brotherhood will not be as simple as you think." The archer snickered sinisterly as he sneered up at the Morag Tong. "We have spread far and wide. If you challenge us, you will fall and be sent to the vengeful hands of Sithis."

"Same old bravado," Dinya sighed as she twirled her fingers in the archer's hair.

"Get off me, you harlot!" the assassin snarled furiously, having had more than enough of her disrespectful and revolting behavior. The Dark Elf tried to buck the woman off his back, but the archer's struggling ceased as his hair was grasped painfully in the female's tight fists.

"I'd learn to behave if I were you," she growled, now losing her flirtatious tone. "You're cute, but I can only put up with so much nonsense."

"Would you leave the poor Mer be for a moment, Dinya?" Othrelos muttered with a shake of his head.  Begrudgingly, the she-elf released her grip on the assassin's hair.

"My boy," Othrelos sighed, as though tired of the game, "what is your name?"

"I am a son of Sithis, that is all you need to know," he answered proudly. "If you are going to kill me, just go ahead and do it already! Spare me the history lesson of your dead guild!"

"Have you not been listening to a word I've been saying?" the elder Dunmer growled in frustration. "I don't want to kill you! I want you to join us! Join the Morag Tong!"

"Oh, by Sithis," the archer hissed through gritted teeth as he glared up at his elder. "I am a member of the Dark Brotherhood! Now and forever! End me now if you must, I don't fear death!"

"I can see that," Othrelos answered coolly as he nodded in understanding.  "No, one cannot be the bringer of death if he fears it. I had hoped that you would embrace your heritage and bring your archery skills to the true guild of assassins. Are you sure you wish to remain with the dying Brotherhood?"

"We're not the ones whose names dust the pages of forgotten tomes," Vytalas remarked angrily. "You can kill me today, but you can be damn sure that my family will make you pay dearly for it."

"Despite your refusal, I am not yet willing to give up on you, boy," Othrelos said much calmer than Vytalas would have expected. "I am going to give you some time to think over my offer, as well as deliver a message to your Listener." He roughly patted the assassin on his head so that he had his full undivided attention. "Tell him to meet me on the next full moons by the old Falkreath sanctuary. He can bring a follower with him if he so chooses, but I do wish to have words with this Argonian."

"I'm not a hawk!" the Dark Elf barked fiercely. "If you wish to speak to him, then seek him out yourself!" A wicked smile crept up the archer's mouth. "I promise you it will be the last words you speak."

"I am sad that you have such confidence in the weak. You will deliver my message, whether you want to or not." He then let out a miserable sigh and shook his head. This concerned Vytalas as he seemed to be legitimately upset over whatever was to happen next.  "I wish you had decided to join us now. I wish that you were willing to see the futility of the Dark Brotherhood's plight. You, however, left me no other choice." He placed a sympathetic hand on Vytalas' shoulder which only made the Dunmer more nervous. "Forgive us for what we are about to do."

"What are you planning on doing?" the archer hissed. "You've made it quite clear you aren't going to kill me."

"You'll wish we had," Othrelos answered solemnly.  "You may not deliver my message using your words, Mer, but it will be quite clear to your leader as soon as he lays eyes upon you." Leaving it at that, the older Dark Elf stood up and looked over at the she-elf. "Do it."

The assassin grunted as his hair was grabbed and he felt his head get forced down onto its side.

"What are you doing?!" The red eyes of the Brotherhood member widened in horror when he saw a long and deadly dagger held before his eyes.

"Don't worry sweetie," Dinya purred with a sinister look in her eyes. "This will only hurt….a lot."
Vytalas completes his contract easily in Solitude, but soon finds himself in the clutches of an enemy.

:iconheiwako: My lovely assistant Wanda :)
© 2012 - 2024 gangyzgirl
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Myrethy's avatar
Fighting these bastards was a BITCH in the Dragonborn DLC... GRRR even though I know what happens to Vy I still can't help but wish it didn't happen!! :(